29 April 2012

An Easy Leek

For a while Farm Fresh to You was delivering a load of leeks with every delivery.  I'd mostly added them to my broths because it really punches up the flavor of them.  They also work well in a few different soups, light and heavy.

The most basic is the potato-leek soup:

1 tbs butter
1 stalk of leek
2 minces cloves of garlic
4 small potatoes diced
1 sprig thyme
6 cups vegetable broth
Chopped chive to garnish
Season to taste with salt/pepper

Warm pot to melt butter and saute leek and garlic.

Add potato and thyme and season.

Allow leek to wilt and add broth.

Stick blend (or blend normally), ladle to bowl, and doll up with chive.

Done, duh.

28 April 2012

So Long

So long have I not posted.  It's hopeful to me that I won't let such a long period to pass without posting again because I have been cooking: cooking and photographing, just not posting.  Allow me a little catch up.

Here is a Ukrainian version of borscht:

1/2 head of cabbage
4 small roasted beets, diced
1 can of diced tomatoes, or fresh if in season
2 small cubed potatoes
1/4 lb sliced cherries
Juice of one juicy lemon (1/4 c)
1 large diced carrot
1 large chopped onion
6 c vegetable broth (not pictured)
Salt/pepper to taste
Olive oil for sauteing 

Heat up the broth to a simmer and saute the rest of the ingredients.

Combine it all in the pot of broth.

Get a close-up photo of it.

Simmer for 30 minutes, and serve yourself and your friend a bowl.

This was a nice light quick (1 hour prep/cook time) borscht recipe and lets me take advantage of my friend's lemon tree instead of using the usual red wine vinegar that's normally called for and forgoes the sour cream topping.